Situated on top of a hill, adjacent to large nature preserves, Ållskog Farm overlooks the agricultural landscape. The composition of buildings, the result of an organic growth over time, is emphazised and clarified by subtle additions and subtractions. The project is thus part masterplan, part transformation, part refurbishment and part new build. It deals with the aspects of how to dwell in the open cultural landscape of southern Sweden, and with how to inhabit, redefine and maintain the vernacular.

Ållskog gård
Byggherre: privat
År: 2017- pågående
Typ: privat bostad, kontor mm 
Fas: masterplan, renovering och utvecklingsstrategi
Storlek: ca 600 m2 + landskap och uthus/småhus

Arkitekt Johan Bergström
Vermlandsgade 75
DK-2300 Kopenhagen
+45 27467100